Why Extend

   YOU can benefit from EXTEND services if

  • You are a leading IT company with unique technology & you wish to maximize the opportunity to enter the highly complex demanding Israeli market
  • Your IT company currently is active in Israeli territory but with limited success & you are looking to "accelerate" operation or/and rebuild business with a new model & objectives
  • You have invested IT interests in Israel & who wish to objectively monitor & track performance of operation with recommendations for business "acceleration"
  • You are an "early stage" IT company with limited resources in business development, sales/marketing management, project management function
  • You are a IT system or/and security integrator & who want to resell leading niche solutions in the Extend technology portfolio – you will find Extends support for yourselves & strategic customers at the highest level of professionalism & responsiveness together with offering you the most challenging & aggressive business/sales incentives
  • You are  strategic customer & wish to select & purchase technology  from any of the technologies in the Extend portfolio – you will always have a professional reliable & responsive address from ourselves and our certified channel partners for any sales/business & support services you wish to engage in